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Client Testimonials



Movement has improved greatly - even with chronic injuries.
I’m feeling more stable and moving more freely. My controlled flexibility is improving too. I could not have done this without you. And I’m back to inventing recipes and cooking again - very much happy.
Three weeks ago I couldn’t get up and down without pulling on a fixed point - now I’m almost doing it with no help!

I think it’s really important to remember that time will pass whether you look after yourself or not. I let time pass by and didn’t care about me - now I’m making the most of my time and making my health a priority. It’s not always easy between work and coaching netball - add acute-on-chronic ankle injury into the mix and the challenges stack up.

Without the support and encouragement of coach Mariah and the people in my FIERCE group, I would not have held myself accountable nor would I have kept pushing through adversity.
Choose what you want your time passing to look and feel like for you!



I honestly could not be more grateful truly to you and having your amazing guidance and support for this prep I’ve just loved it so much.
This whole experience has been so enjoyable I just so deeply appreciate you and your endless support and encouragement. Thank you so so much.

And days like today being able to reflect and celebrate the work to date and share that with you means the world to me - just so very appreciative and grateful.



Have to say, I'm LOVING eating so much guilt free, I haven't slipped up even once or craved anything because I'm constantly full and satiated.
I'm also really noticing the differences in how I am feeling, it's like it's all starting to kick in after just 4 weeks! 💪🏼
Thank you so much, this journey is exactly what I need and I'm loving every minute of it!
And I look happier because I AM so much happier 😁💪🏼

I definitely didn't expect to win - the results are the best prize!!!
Honestly so incredibly grateful for the past 8 weeks, I can't thank you enough for your support and your endless wisdom and knowledge 🙌🏼
It's been an epic journey and I'm so excited for the next one too!!

This has meant the absolute world to me and it's been awesome doing it alongside everyone.
I've changed so much over the past 8 weeks in my mindset, my habits, my physical and my mental health!
Cheers to continuing to focus on being our best and healthiest selves ❤️

What an 8 week journey! Thank you to @mariahjeanfit 🥹
You've literally changed my life!
My phyiscal health has improved enormously.
But the biggest changes are the ones you can't see - to my mental health, to my mindset, to my relationship with food...
🙌🏼 Thank you!



A massive thank you to Mariah!
Without your support & encouragement, I wouldn't have achieved what I did.
You have passed on so much knowledge about food and how to train properly to get results.
I can't thank you enough.
I gained knowledge, strength and confidence and have learned that the scales are not the most important thing.
Measurements have shown me progress when the scales did not.

I'm walking away a healthier, fitter and more confident person.
I'm the healthiest I have ever been, I'm lean and working on gaining more muscle
I have a body that I'm becoming happy with.
It's been such a good time! I've had heaps of compliments on my appearance and my partner said he was super proud I stuck to it and have continued.

Honestly the best! I couldn't recommend you highly enough.
This 8 week journey with @mariahjeanfit has not only been a challenge but a lifestyle change for the best.
Now to hit the gym and get stronger than ever.



Strength changes, legs are getting stronger! I leg pressed 100kg & on my final set I went up to 110 "win". Just stronger all round with a couple of increases in weights! My clothes are fitting so well even looser than I expected.

Macros was & is one of the things I'm so grateful about learning with you! Total game changer for me! Macros have been fine! I try to get my protein in mainly & keep within the deficit! Sometimes it takes some tweaking but mostly fine.

I have had a GREAT 16 weeks with you! You have been the one constant thing in my life for the last 4 months. Thank you for all your support!

Biggest wins - I think I've reached a stage that although I have still some work to do, I'm happy with what we have achieved & what I'm starting to look at in the mirror.

Being at a particular weight no longer worries me! That's my biggest win... The realisation of that.

I've noticed I'm stronger on push exercises if that makes sense. My body feels firmer & I can see more shape coming in.

I am hitting macros! Having some fun with trying new things & recipes.



Just thought I'd share that my team won the States and Nationals titles for indoor beach volleyball!

I wanted to send a quick appreciation to you and let you know you're amazing! Your guidance is actually a game changer!

I've never felt physically stronger (even though today I'm unwell - but physically pushed myself for -I think, 28 games over 3 days so I felt that's fair) and I know a year ago I wouldn't have been able to play the two biggest competitions in the sport within three weeks of each, and win them both!

It's so exciting to see progress, also a quick shout out because you've actually made the gym my happy place again! Thank you!



Have you ever heard the saying, Success leaves clues?

For as long as I can remember, I like many of you have had, and will forever have goals and a desire to improve in many aspects of life.
There are no doubt so many areas or facets of life that are important to you.
Some of mine are family, health, friendships, business, mindset, real estate, connecting with people and constantly learning to name a few.

One of the above I’ve been involved in for as long as I can remember and that is health and fitness and I truly love it

Yet over the last few months I have found myself even more inspired about health and what’s possible by my beautiful wife’s health and fitness journey, love you babe you are awesome 😍

As mentioned above, you may have heard “success leaves clues.” I hear you saying, yeah, but why so important?

Because, you can simply “decide”, make a decision as to what you want to achieve, find someone who has done it or knows how to achieve the desired outcome and learn from them.

I am truly so lucky to be surrounded by some awesome knowledgeable humans in health, real estate, business, friendship circles and family.

The picture above on the right is one I took yesterday and the left was taken 6 weeks earlier, I was simply interested in any progress I had made 🤔
I’m grateful as there is change, but so so much more grateful for the learnings along I have received along the way! 🙌🏼



I cannot thank you enough for these last four months. They have been both incredibly hard yet rewarding.

I have found it hard to love myself from within since becoming a mother. I wanted to thank you for helping me in the process of changing my mindset and the relationship I have with food and gym.

I am on the best journey to loving myself again because of you and your constant support and love.

Mariah, you're an amazing coach and person! I appreciate you so much!

4 months progression

Forever grateful for you, Mariah! I've been up and down these last few months, but you've been there to prep talk me every time.

I've still got a long journey ahead but I couldn't have done this without you. So much love for you as my coachy!




In the 8 weeks I've been with coach Mariah, I've dropped a total of 4.6% body fat and I've gained a total of 1/25kg in muscle!



I just did the compound leg session, 3rd time now, and all my weight have gone up. I even got deadlift volume PB of 70kg for 10 reps, that's the third exercise in!

I've seen heaps of improvement, strength wise, upper and lower.

And I've also noticed my body changing too. I'm leaner and looking stronger.

I'm very happy so far.



I can never thank my coach, Mariah enough for her support over the last year.

We have been through some shit together and I was close to quitting so many times but I'm so thankful that I didn't.

I never would have been able to do it without you! Listening to your check ins were the highlight of my week and pulled me out of some shitty dark places.



Coached entirely by my amazing bestfriend and soul sista. You won't find a more qualified and kind hearted coach. I trust this woman with my life. No words will ever explain how this amazing and beautiful person changed my life

Mariah, you have changed my life. You did what 6 years of seeing psychologists couldn't do and it isn't even a part of your job description. I no longer suffer from depression or any mental health issues for that matter.

You have helped support me to change my body AND my mindset. In just 6 months we've grown muscle, leaned down and lost body fat. All within that short space of time. I have never met someone as mentally and physically strong as you.

You are someone I've been waiting my whole life to meet. I adore you so much.

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